Friday, October 3, 2008

The Many Faces if Ishtar

Throughout history myths have portrayed the goddess Ishtar in a varity of ways. In The Epic of Gilgamesh, we see her as a promiscuoius and bitter goodess whose lust controls al her actions, but at the same time we see her as an immature girl that whines to her father. In "The Descent of the Goddess Ishtar Into the Lower World", Ishtar is a brave and self confident woman descending to into the depths of the underworld at her own will. The two views of Ishtar just within these two stories are polar opposites. The third potrayal of Ishtar comes from "The Sacred Marriage". In this story Ishtar's personna takes an interesting twist, she personifies the innocence of a young bride. She spends time with her mother preparing for her marriage, and all the while she is eager to begin her journey from girl to women. As plainly illustrated by these myths Ishtar has mutliple personalities.

Every personalitly that Ishtar takes on helps her get what she wants from that particular situation. Ishtar's scitsafrenia like conditions are relatable to the kids who star on My Super Sweet Sixteen. To their parents they will act like sweethearts and angels then suddenly turn on them in a fitfull rage. The ending result of this bipolar mood swing, getting whatever they want: 6 figure designer gowns, shopping sprees, outrageous parties, grand entrances, and luxury sports cars. The sweet sixteeners whine and complain always threatening to unleash their vengance. While their parents think of them as angles with minor and infrequent temper tantrums, their peers tend to look at them as snotty, self-obsessed brats. Even some of their closest friends only put up with them because of their wealth and popularity

Its like deja vu! Reread the two paragraphs, it is almost as if I wrote the same thing twice. Ishtar and the teens that star on My Super Sweet Sixteen are one in the same person.

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